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Lesson 4.8 - Writing Chromatic Scales

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A chromatic scale is one where every semitone between two given notes is played. When writing a chromatic scale it will mean that you will have to use some letters more than once e.g. a G followed by a G sharp. Generally try to avoid using a particular letter more than twice. i.e. don't write G flat, G, G sharp.

When writing a chromatic scale there will be more than one possible correct answer.

A chromatic scale is one where every semitone between two given notes is played.

the example shown here could also be written like this

When writing a chromatic scale there will be more than one possible correct answer.
Both these are exactly the same notes written in two different ways. Notice also the F sharp key signature. You may have to do an exercise with or without a key signature in an examination.

Practice this topic with our workbook
"Music Theory Practice - A Complete Course"
New for 2021 

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